New PIN Code component type is now available in the Dev Console.
I haven't updated the docs yet so I will give you a quick overview here if you want to try and use it straight away.
So, the PIN Code is a useful little component that can be used to send numeric PIN codes to your device for things like unlocking stuff.
There are couple of differences between a standard "Numeric Type" component and "Pin Code".
1. The most notable difference is that when used it doesn't record it's own status, the numbers you've typed are "passed through" to your device if it's available and if the device is off-line nothing will happen.
With standard components if a command is issued and the device is not available (off-line) the command will get "parked" and next time the device pops-up the parked command will be passed to it with the timestamp. The PIN Code for security reasons doesn't store the data if the device can not be reached and if you decide to update it's status it should be something like words "Ready", "OK" etc... but not the actual PIN values of any kind as it will show in the Web App interface.
2. When clicked on the Pin Code button a small numeric keyboard pops up
3. The numbers are sent as a
String value not as a number. The reason for that is that you are technically evaluating a code not a number and allows in the future to also add a more complex alpha-numeric keypad. Using a string also avoids problems if the number is long and could overflow the max integer value for your micro-controller
I have also added another simple component type "Lock" that can work nicely with the Pin Code, I will post about it.
Let me know if you need help or are not sure how to use it.