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08 May 2023
Alexa help
hi there, I am trying to connect a device to Alexa but whatever I don it's just not getting discovered in the alexa app?

before you ask, I have already connected without problems one (the smart led tutorial) and it's working fine but this one doesn't want to get discovered.

it's probably something stupid I'm missing, any ideas?

08 May 2023


Can you describe the device, what components you are using?

Basically, when you go to Dev Console > Alexa Connect > Link Devices and you select your device you should have at least one component that you can select and mark as "use with Alexa".

If all components are greyed out then nothing is compatible.
09 May 2023

it's just a motion sensor and can be selected in the Alexa panel, that's what is confusing me, it all looks correct?
09 May 2023

hmm, yes indeed, it doesn't get simpler than that :-)

Ok, here's few more questions:

1. Is the sensor correctly connecting to ChipChop? If you enable the ChipChop.debug(true); in the setup() do you get any connection error messages in the serial monitor?

2. Are you using Arduino or something else

3. When you trigger a motion do you see that showing in the Web App or in the Live Control in the Dev Console?

I'll check if there are no outages with Alexa today (didn't notice any but who knows)

09 May 2023

ok, here is a weird thing, when I look in the development console in the live control, the first "smart led" is showing ok but for this sensor it's saying something like "there is nothing to show as device hasn't sent the status"?
I can't click on it at all?

09 May 2023

ok, figured it out, it's me being stupid!
I've enabled the debug and yes I can see warning messages from chipchop saying "unauthorised, multiple connections attempt".
That had me scratching my head and yes, I have left the same device_id = "smart_led" and the led is already connected so it's all clashing.

So, it's ok now, changed the device_id and Alexa app instantly found it.

thanks for the help and yes I am using Arduino and i am sure I'll be here again soon I have a much bigger device planned so may need some help with that
09 May 2023

Haha, lol, yes, I've done the same many times especially when just duplicating entire projects.

For your info, the reason why Alexa didn't discover the device even though it was described in the Dev Console is because Alexa wants to know the state of the device components and if your device status is completely empty ChipChop can't submit the discovery report.

I've implemented the mechanism on purpose to work like that otherwise you would only see in the Alexa app something like "Device unreachable" which would be super confusing and ChipChop would get pissed off from constant error reports :-)

Actually, the Virtual Triggers don't follow that rule as they are not physical things so the ChipChop engine keeps them alive and they show up immediately in the Alexa App regardless of if they have been ever used or not.

Shout if you need any help with your next contraption :-)
22 May 2023

so the Virtual Triggers are like "immediately ON"? and will be discovered no matter what?
22 May 2023

Yes, technically the are immediately status "NOT_DETECTED" and they are the quickest way to check if you Alexa linking is successful as they should be discovered regardless of being used or not.

If they don't show up in Alexa then there's something wrong with your linking, then let me know and I can try to check.