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VIEWS: 228
14 Jun 2023
What is speed in the usage stats?
I'm just curious, what are the "Processing Speed" numbers in the Usage Stats? (both in Dev Console & the Web app)

I can see they are in milliseconds and occasionally change but what do they represent?
14 Jun 2023

maybe how fast your microcontroller is?
14 Jun 2023

It has nothing to do with your device, it's how quickly the chipchop engine takes to process each heartbeat.
15 Jun 2023

I'm still confused, I can see like now

Chipchop usage > Processing speed : 0.211 ms
Alexa usage > Processing speed : 0.734 ms

That's a big difference between the two and how does that relate to my device?
15 Jun 2023

That's looks normal and nothing to do with the speed of your device guaranteed.

I've asked Gizmo about this before and it's how fast the engine processes each request internally and Alexa can be sometimes a lot slower because of some authentication protocols but not always, if you do multiple voice commands in short span of time. You can check it if you tell Alexa to turn something on, then a minute later off and again, after the first time it will get a lot faster as the authentication is cached for some time (not sure how long?)

There was whole thread about it last year in the old support chat but it's gone now with this new forum, don't know if Gizmo has any intentions of migrating these old posts, it would be quite useful.