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26 Aug 2023
UNO R4 WiFi- now (mostly) supported
As I've been pestered by some here I have finally got my hands on an UNO R4 WiFi and have managed to get the WebSockets library working on it.

Few things to note:

- There is no secure socket support at this stage so if you decide to use it make sure to change the server_uri from wss:// to ws:// otherwise you won't be able to establish a connection with ChipChop.

- If you are using things like Serial.print() to test and debug, make sure to eventually remove those for your final build when you want to start using the device for real. I have experienced memory issues, slow-downs and garbled content sent through websockets if more than a couple of Serial.println() were active and it can start happening pretty quickly or after some hours of running but it's pretty much inevitable. This is probably only relevant for websockets and may not be an issue for other type of projects.

- You can't use the official WebSocket2 Generic library that you can install through the library managers both for Arduino IDE and PlatformIO as it simply doesn't have any code whatsoever for UNO R4 WiFi
So, if you have already installed the official WebSocket2 Generic, un-install it through the library manager that you have used and restart Arduino IDE and then use the modified version in the ChipChop library.
In case of PlatformIO do not specify any WebSocket2 dependency in the" platformio.ini" and if it's an existing project open the "projects Tasks" and run "Full Clean" before the first build and then use the modified version in the ChipChop library.

I will look into adding ssl support if possible at some point but at least in the meantime you can use this UNO model with ChipChop.

I have updated the library (vs 1.34) so it's immediately available just download the new version

Attached images
04 Sep 2023

shame for the ssl but I would only use it for prototyping anyway so thanks for that Gizmo
06 Sep 2023

Hey, thanks dude, got mine working no problems.