Oh crap, sorry for that,
There is no public interface for what you need but I can do it from my end and effectively revoke any login with your existing session token, you will just have to re-login and that's it. Maybe use the "reset your password" option on the login screen after I've finished with this.
And don't worry you won't need a new account or have to re-program your devices.
I'll get it sorted asap, this is what I need from you so I can identify your record:
1. Log into the Dev Console and then go to My Account (top right corner of the screen)
2. At the bottom you will find
Generate Access Key button, click on it and paste here the code
Don't worry you can paste the code here as it's only useful to me and I don't need it to access your account just to flag your location in the database so I don't make a mistake.