Timers question
Is it possible to create a timer action? What I mean is there is no option to make something happen at a certain time. I really don't know how to explain this!
Let say I want the night light in my kids bedroom to turn on at 8PM (and turn off at 6AM)
1. The option I have is to use "Time Is: Between" in the action and set it between 20:00 and 20:00, I have tried that but it will run the action 5-6 times because of the 10 sec heartbeat so I have to test on the ESP32 that I am not repeating the off "digitalWrite(pin.LOW)" more than once in a minute.
That's the first problem, it's ok if it's something like this night light that should only come on automatically. But if I had something that can also be switched on/off manually than if I have the test for "don't repeat this more than once a minute" I wouldn't be able to switch it quickly on/off more than once a minute!
2. You have to use something to "trigger" the action so I have to use the light component for that but then I can't set the "target" to be the same light only the entire device and that can be a problem if you have many components that should also react to "ON/OFF"
Wouldn't it be more logical to simply say at 8PM set the Night Light's light component to OFF?
I don't know, it sounds like a very simple thing and I am surprised that it doesn't exists in ChipChop !? Is there something I am not aware of or I am just using actions in a wrong way? How would you accomplish what I have described?