Is this guess the chip game? I have one too, extracted it out from some smart plug thinking it was an esp.
Attached images
05 Feb 2024
hope you are not a dentist or optician, that's some blurry extraction job you've done there
no clue by the way, even if the picture was sharper
06 Feb 2024
Ok one more answer and then I'm off to crash and burn
1. top one is a Tuya, pretty sure you can not re-flash that with Arduino. I think they have their own tool chain, not sure what language, lua maybe?
wouldn't re-flash that one if I could, looks like a hazard to me but who am I to judge (nice gift for your least favourite rich auntie, ah!? don't even need to clean the fingerprints, the fire blaze will turn it all into carbon )
2. Second one, I've seen before, even blurry I recognise the logo looks like a samurai helmet, some name starting with M, MAC, MIC dunno maybe it's called George, too tired to think. That I think can be re-flashed
seriously man, don't you have like a magnifying glass? how do you solder, by feel?