Hi Riccardo,
I haven't had a request for a drop down yet, it's a good idea.
I need to have a think how to implement it, it's not a big problem if the drop down would just be used to send a command as ...how to explain it..."pass through" command without recording a status or being able to "remember" what it sent.
Basically, it sends something but doesn't really care about any return values. Like a button on a TV remote, or a momentary switch button (you already have those), you press it, it sends something and returns to its neutral state.
Currently the "custom" button components allow you to set up 2 custom values or a momentary button can send a single value.
They will send whatever you specify and they will send a string but all you need to do is command_value.toInt() or command_value.toFloat() at the other end to convert it into a number.
Have you looked into "Custom buttons"?
Also, the "Pin Code" can send any integer number but it has to be entered manually so that's probably not what you need.
A drop down list would probably be easier to make but I could try to make something with buttons side by side. I would have to limit the number of options, maybe 6-7 per component and the length of the values you can send as there is a limit on the size of the data packets to keep things working fast.
Can you please describe me a scenario how you would want to use it, it will help me design the interface quicker. Also, a suggestion for the component type name would be great!