After two weeks of working like an IoT donkey to bring a you all a bunch of lovely new features, I have wasted the last two days debugging something that has been working like clockwork for over two years. It’s a nice WiFi Portal that enables you to set the wifi on your devices by connecting to the device hotspot and brings a captive portal with all networks around so you can set the wifi without having to hardcode anything on the device.
This has been working beautifully and I was just tidying it up for a release when it simply stop coming up automatically when connected to the hotspot. So, yeah, it’s by pure chance that I’ve figured that it was my f***g iPhone that stoped working with it and not my code or I’d be debugging it till retirement. I’ve stupidly updated the iOS few days ago and Apple in their infinite wisdom have again butchered useful functionality.
Why, fuck knows, but anything with iOS 17.3+ Is going back to the dark ages….thank you Apple you bunch of dicks
Sorry for the rant guys, had to vent my frustration somewhere!
08 Mar 2024
God Morning!
08 Mar 2024
haha... thanks for that my friend!
This is what I keep above my desk 😂
Attached images
09 Mar 2024
As long as it doesn’t affect your life… this always helps too 🍺🍻🍸🍹
Dynamic wifi provisioning… man… you are really spoiling us now 👍🏼☺️🤯.
09 Mar 2024
ah...I've been playing tango with Apple for a looong time ! ..and I won't be defeated, my code-foo and stubbornness will prevail 💪👊🥋
hey, the WiFi Portal is just one small part, there's a lot more...poke your head here: (it's one of the test rigs, I've opened you access)
See if you can spot the new little feature I've been working on for the past two weeks (it's fresh from the oven, still steaming) It's a proof of concept and I would have sent you an invite already to give it a spin but this new thingy needs PlatformIO and I know you are on Arduino IDE and that silly little compiler is popping me a fresh aneurysm (will tame it, just need few more days)
09 Mar 2024
You've heard of the Apple PWA nonsense for the EU app store? I was this >||< close to switching to android. Incredible behavior, it's just showing how little they actually care for their users.
10 Mar 2024
Yep, I know, absolutely shocking. I had a contingency plan for that particular scenario you've mentioned and then...bam...hit me from an angle I couldn't ~:0{
11 Mar 2024
@Aubrey44 The new feature works with Arduino IDE now
12 Mar 2024
I took a quick peak (on my phone 😏) and the new features look great!! Im on vacation at the moment and as you have mentioned, the dev console is meant for a desktop/computer which I don’t have at the moment. Cant wait to get back and look and test properly.
Arduino IDE, is incredibly interesting on the latest update to say the least. Compiling takes minutes now instead of seconds and the amount of resources it requires (cpu and ram?) to just code and simply type is unbelievable!! Cooling fan on full blast and bogs the computer down to a 90’s era computer. LOL. Arduino has at least helped a little and showed me a way to limit the amount of cores and cpu power the IDE is allowed to use (which has helped somewhat). Im so used tto it, im an old soul and hate change so ill live with it 😂. Thanks for making it work on the Arduino IDE 👍🏼🍻
13 Mar 2024
Vacation, awesome...oh, man I'm jealous ! Hope you are having a great time!