No Steve, your eyesight is absolutely fine :-)
The forum is very young and there aren't that many posts yet to warrant a search feature (I think :-)
Originally it was a members "chat" but that was becoming messy so I've written this forum engine and it will take time to gain more content.
Actually, this is the second version and it's a bit dumbed down. Internally it's all organised in categories and could be easily searched...hmm, maybe I should upgrade it.
I did make a small tweak recently so the posts are now listed in the "last replied" order and also if someone replies to your post you should see a little red circle by the alarm bell icon and if you click on it the link to the post in question
Ultimately I want to convert the entire forum to a nice dynamic web app but just need a bit of time to finish what I'm doing now with the big update to the Dev Console
I'll get there, just prioritising things at the moment