Ok, I've checked the code and it's working absolutely fine!?
Silly question but have you actually entered your wifi connection details (or have you entered them correctly)?
It's the line 62
WiFi.begin("< SSID name >", "< password >");
should be something like (don't leave the "< >" inside
WiFi.begin("somessidname", "somepassword");
I've missed that myself many times and then wandered why I'm not getting connected :-)
Second, I am not sure what you mean by "blue led not flashing", the blue (built-in) led is for you to use and I never had one that would flash when connecting to WiFi, it's something that you would normally do yourself in the code if you wanted.
For example I have a bunch of motion sensors where I make the blue led blink if motion is detected and it would piss me off if the chip was messing with that because it decided to connect to wifi.
Anyways, here is what I suggest, priority is to get the esp to connect and start communicating with ChipChop so check the wifi credentials and fire up the serial monitor (here is a picture where it lives)
If you get in the serial monitor messages (it may take some time) like
{"api_call":"heartbeat","command":"heartbeat",......} and
{"status":"ok","timestamp":.......} then we are good, go to the Dev Console > Live Control and you should see your device online and you can click on it and control the led
If you get a message like:
ChipChop => Connection closed. Don't panic, we'll try again in xx seconds that's fine but if it keeps repeating more than 2-3 times then it's a wifi issue.
What is the exact name/model/manufacturer of your board? I know that the chip is ESP32 Wroom DA but I don't know if there is something specific to the board itself and how it's wired up so it may be worth me having a look.
I think the Wroom DA is marked by Espressif as "End of life" chip
Let me know how it goes, it has to bloody work!