hmmm...if you just want to see the state of the switch but not make it clickable then you can use anything you want (on/off, toggle...) but in the component panel for that switch select "Mode > View Only" (it's probably set as interactive by default which makes it clickable)
oh, yes, also in the panel that shows different component types you can make your own just click on the "Custom Type" it's above "Preset Types"
With a Custom Type you can chose icons for the "pressed/released" state and also what command words represent those states
The "Pressed" state will also have a glow and background colour.
So for example if you don't want to stick to commands like "ON" or "OFF" you can say "ACTIVE" or "active" or "foo", "bar", "melon" whatever you want and then from the code on the ESP you would send the status for that component with those words
Let's say you want a custom button called "button_1" that will show two states "working" & "paused"
in the esp code you would do
...blah blah
if(digitalRead(button_pin) == HIGH){
ChipChop.updateStatus("button_1", "working");
ChipChop.updateStatus("button_1", "paused");
also, if your custom button is "interactive" when you press it in the app you would get on the device the corresponding custom word that marks the button state
void ChipChop_onCommandReceived(String target_component,String command_value, String command_source, int command_age){
if(target_component == "button_1"){
if(command_value == "working"){
digitalWrite(button_pin, HIGH);
}else if(command_value == "paused"){
digitalWrite(button_pin, LOW);
ChipChop.updateStatus("button_1", command_value); // <<< inform ChipChop that you have changed the status so it can update the button on the app interface
is this what you mean?