Forum Rules
1. Don't be an asshole
I am a pretty chilled guy and I can tolerate a lot...but...if others complain about you, I will ban your ass from this platform faster than you can say "foobar".
2. What can you post
This forum is not limited to only ChipChop topics and it doesn't matter what your level of experience is...everybody is welcome.
Feel free to post questions, suggestions, ideas about programming, hardware, technology...anything goes.
You can also show off what you have built, share your knowledge and look for like minded people to work on joint ventures.
3. Use common sense
If you've messed up something with your ChipChop main account (not the forum) and need my direct intervention, for example:
- ChipChop banned your sorry ass devices from the platform
- you've exceeded your monthly usage limits and need more
- you've managed to crash your Dev Console
- etc...
for the love of my mental health do NOT... I mean, NOT post here your uuid, auth code, login or any personal details! ChipChop has a built in protocol for that purpose, just post a request for help and I will let you know what to do.